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Coconut Ice Cream

One day I was laying on the beach with my parents.  The ocean water was a few yards from our feet and the sun was blazing above us.  We lay there as we talked, laughed and watched others do the same.  From a distance we could hear the ringing of a bell, much like that of a bell on a bicycle, and as we turned our heads in that direction we saw what we hoped the sound would bring: a man pushing a icey cart.

There are very few flavors I enjoy eating, especially when it comes to ice cream.  The moment described above was of a time when I visited Puerto Rico with my parents.  Usually I enjoy eating orange and mango or rainbow flavored iceies.  However, if we are walking around in New San Juan, or any other major city for that matter, and we come accross an ice cream shop I will come out of my comfort zone and not go with Ol' Reliable Vanilla, but instead with my other delight: Coconut Ice Cream.

To me coconut ice cream is more of a delicacy.  Why, you may ask?  Mostly because I couldn't get coconut ice cream where I live.  What a shame!  All of sudden, the idea came to me to make my own coconut ice cream.  I never thought of it before, honestly.  With one spoonful of ice cream in my mouth I was instantly brought back to memories of when I was in Puerto Rico.

An interesting fact about me is that I strongly dislike coconut...however I LOVE coconut ice cream.  I really cannot explain why, but I'm not a fan of too many non-vanilla flavors.  However, when I do go outside of my usual I like watermelon, strawberry and cookies n' cream ice cream.  Maybe a few of these flavors will be added to the blog soon!

Coconut Ice Cream




1 cup milk

1 (14oz) can cream of coconut

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

1 1/2 cups sweetend flaked coconut





1. Combine the milk and cream of cocnut in the container of a food processor or blender, and mix thoroughly.  Stir in cream and flaked coconut.


2. Pour into the container of an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.


Personal Notes

-If you're not a fan of flakes add half of the amount of flakes.

Posted by Efrain on: 5/4/14

So, that's my story with coconut ice cream.  Lemme tell you something else about this recipe.  It's sweet, not baklava sweet, but sweet enough that'd you say "Wow, that's sweet!"  The flakes in the ice cream add some extra coconut punch, but doesn't add any gritty flavor.  To me, after one bite of coconut flavored anything you always want another bite and this recipe is no exception.  If you're like Kiley you'll say you only want one small spoonful, but another spoonful is on it's way before you know it.

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