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Friday Favorites #3

Can you believe that it is already over a full week in June?  Tomorrow makes it 2 weeks!!  Wow, time sure does fly when you aren’t looking.  So, let’s recap on what has been making this week fly by!


1. I have started running again, and I have actually managed to keep it up so far without slacking!  Woo hoo!


2. While I have been running (on a treadmill at home), I have been able to watch past episodes of Diners, Drive In and Dives.  So many good things are shown on there!


3. The show Arrow…I started watching it a few weeks ago, and then left it for a while but I am now back to watching.  I am still waiting for Once Upon A Time Season 3 to be on Netflix though...what’s a girl to do without her show?


4. Due to a phone company requirement, I had to get a new phone.  I am now part of the smart phone group, and it is an interesting experience so far.  My mom discovered Candy Crush, and plays it every day.  Oh boy!  Having a new phone means that, for the first time ever, I am getting decorative phone cases!  I completely adore this one :)















5. Joy The Baker’s Summer Reading List is definitely inspiration for this summer!  I think a few trips to the local library will be in  order, along with browsing the cooking section!  (Yes, I am a big fan of her blog!)


6. Tonight is homemade grilled pizza for dinner.  Provided the rain does not get in the way though…Having never had grilled pizza before, I am super excited!  Even if it does have to be cooked in an oven, I have been dreaming up what kinds of delicious toppings I am going to put on mine- what toppings does your ideal pizza have??  Share them below! :)


7. Yesterday my sister and I went to a new bakery, Swiss Bakery, and we tried some new things.  Most of them were really yummy, especially the Berliner donut that is barely in the picture because we already ate most of it :)  My sister also took a bite of the animal bun (the frog) eye before I took the photo, but it gained her approval!














Have a great weekend and beginning to your week!!

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