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Welcome back to Friday Favorites!  In a week, it will be the Fourth of July.  Wow.  I feel like I start off every Friday Fav’s by saying how fast time is flying…but really guys, July is next week!!  I hope that you are having fun preparing for family and friend gatherings and making plans for celebrating!  Be sure to check out the blog this week, we have some great recipes that can help you have a fun and delicious Fourth!


This week’s favorites have included:


1. Summer time has been giving us such nice weather, and it means that summer foods are in season and can be made.  Expect tons of yummy recipes coming out in the next few weeks!


2. My Winnie the Pooh phone case arrived!  Ahh, the childhood memories.


3. I went to dinner with a friend, and we got Korean food at an authentic Korean place (as in, half the menu is in Korean, the music is all K-pop, and I am always so glad my friends know what it is we are actually ordering).  This was one of our two favorite places, and it did not disappoint!  I have no idea what the name of the dish we got was, but it was amazing!


4. Uhh, have you seen these Crispy Fish Tacos with Jalapeño Sauce from Pinch of Yum?  I want them sooo much.  You should go check this recipe (and every single other one on the blog) out.


5. This is Friday Favorites #5!  Personal note, 5 is my favorite number, so I am quite happy that this has already reached 5 weeks!  Woo-hoo!


6. Sneak Peek!  Something that I will be posting about soon: these amazing Sweet Heat Grilled Chicken & Veggies Skewers.  So. Delicious.


Friday Favorites #5

Posted on 6/27/14 by Kiley

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