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Happy 4th of July!!  I hope that you are having a wonderful time and will be able to celebrate and eat yummy food, watch fireworks, and enjoy the festivities!


I have decided to rename these posts Friday Things because I want to start incorporating more than just my favorites of the week.  Also, then I do not feel as much pressure to know my favorites :)


Anyways, here is a list of some of this past week’s highlights- I think this is what I will call this section now.

~Remember me talking about the show Arrow a few weeks ago?  Yeah, I haven’t really picked that up again.  Whoops…But I have managed to binge on watching a K-drama (Korean drama) on Netflix, and the shows are an hour long…yeahhhh.  8 episodes in the first 2 days.

~There have been so many delicious foods I want to make and eat!!  Check out our Pinterest ( to see what Efrain and I have been finding recently!

~I have been working on a project for Rooks to Cooks; I can’t wait to share it with you all in a few weeks!  It involves a special week coming up this summer ;)



*I decorated these cakes as part of my job at the bakery I work at.  Maybe next year I will make them on my own and give you a tutorial! :)

Friday Things #6

Posted on 7/4/2014 by Kiley

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